The right match for the green transformation
Ramboll and Nykredit, Denmark’s largest lender, have since 2022 been collaborating to accelerate the green transformation of several sectors, including buildings and energy.
The partnership brings together two key offerings: access to financial services for green investments from Nykredit, and Ramboll’s advisory on climate and energy optimisation.
In this interview, Tonny Thierry Andersen, Group Managing Director at Nykredit, tells us about the progress in the partnership and its priorities.
How has the partnership progressed since 2022?
Tonny Thierry Andersen: “We began by focusing on real estate customers, but quickly discovered several other opportunities for driving the green agenda together, including the energy, infrastructure, and public housing sectors.
“So, we are making it easier for Nykredit’s customers across all segments to take the right next step in their sustainable transition. This is a significant achievement.”
How have we made it easier to make green investments in the real estate, energy, and infrastructure sectors?
“Real estate customers have benefited from Ramboll’s advice on climate and energy optimisation of properties, and from Nykredit’s financing solutions for renovation. Combined, this has made it easier for the real estate sector to make green investments. Our customers have welcomed the fact that we have found solutions based on customers’ individual sustainable-transition journeys.
“Ramboll has also participated as commercial and technical adviser in a handful of cases and increased energy and infrastructure investors’ awareness of mortgage financing. This way, the partnership increases awareness of how investments can be funded at the early stages of projects.”
Are macroeconomic challenges reducing the incentive for green investments?
“Macroeconomic trends only strengthen the need for upscaling renewable energy technologies and the green transition, which again increases the need for investments. However, due to supply chain shortages, upcoming projects may get delayed, which impacts investment timelines.”
“We will further develop more ways to help customers in different segments with the right tools and knowledge to make sustainable decisions. Together, we have a unique skillset, which provides value when navigating the volatile and uncertain market conditions.”
What are some focus areas looking ahead?
“Ramboll and Nykredit share a strong focus on the energy and infrastructure sectors. Ramboll has provided valuable insights to Nykredit’s strategic work with these sectors, for instance by contributing to a better understanding of the technical aspects of the industry. We will continue to focus on this area in 2024.
“We will also continue to focus on the mutual upskilling of employees to strengthen collaboration and further improve expertise and dialogue with customers.”
How has it been to work with Ramboll in the partnership?
“It has been an absolute pleasure working this closely. Our collaboration runs smoothly because our cultures match so well. Ramboll is owned by a foundation and Nykredit by an association of customers, which drives us to focus on what is best for our customers and the environment, for the short and long term. We are both aiming for the same thing: to make a sustainable impact.”